Most people involved in an accident will be without their vehicles for an average of 10 days. Nobody plans on being in an accident and it can create some stress in our day to lives. Most people do not have multiple cars or trucks that they can use as an alternative. Going to work, school, or grocery shopping becomes difficult if you don't have easy transportation.10 days without your vehicle can be overwhelming to think about.
However, there are ways to prevent this stressful situation. The first thing you should do is contact your car insurance company and add Rental Coverage right away if you do not have it already. The average car rental costs approximately $35.00 a day, plus tax for a smaller car. The average cost of rental car coverage on your auto policy is $40.00 - $50.00 every 6 months or $80.00-$100.00 for the year. Most customers do not realize how reasonable this upfront cost can be and how life-saving it is in the event of an accident. Adding rental coverage to your auto policy will give you peace of mind and fully cover a rental when you need it. If your Insurance company does not offer this coverage, we recommend seeking out a new insurance company.
Most rental car agencies directly bill your insurance company and you will not even see a bill. Additionally, most rental car agencies will pick you up from your home or auto repair shop. They will also bring you back to the auto repair shop when your vehicle is repaired and ready for pick-up. We proudly refer Enterprise Rental Car for your car or light-truck rental needs. Enterprise Rental Car is professional and responsive to our customer's needs. Enterprise is recommended by most insurance companies and is known for its excellent customer service.
Ten years ago most people had a $250.00 - $500.00 deductible on their auto policies. In case of an accident, insurance companies are responsible for every penny over this amount of your deductible. Coming up with $250.00, or $500.00 was in most cases an inconvenience, but typically affordable. Today, most people have $1,000.00 or higher deductible on their auto policies. We understand that these rates are getting higher and higher as vehicles become more expensive. For this reason 3 Stage Auto Collision offers financing options for amounts $250.00 and above.
We partner with Synchrony Car Care to offer financing options of 6 months 0 interest, or upon approved credit 12 months 0 interest. These are the minimum amounts if you are seeking a finance option for your repair. We have had customers financed for $250.00 - $7500.00 with these terms. Financing is almost unheard of from auto body and collision centers like us. Auto repair chains such as Firestone Car Care Centers, Pep Boys, and almost all tire centers have been offering financing for years. We are pleased to have the ability to offer this service to all our customers.
Please visit: www.mysynchrony.com/carcare for more information